NEMWCL The North-East Mid-Week Cricket League 2024

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Stats for Year ...

Batting Summary. 2024

There are no batting stats available for 2024.


Bowling Summary. 2024

There are no bowling stats available for 2024.


Fielding Summary. 2024

(L = League, C = Cup, F = Friendly)

There are no fielding stats available for 2024.

Download Report and Photos
(Fri 6 September)
  New Sponsor News - we have our own Travel Agent
Download Stuart Wisbach Travel
(Thu 5 September)
  New Nets for City Teams
(Wed 4 September)
  DRAFT Best Performances
Download Progress Division 1 Download Progress Division 2 Download Progress Division 3 Download Progress Division 4 Download DRAFT Best Performances
(Wed 28 August)
  Agenda for Presentation Meeting Thursday 5th September
Download Agenda
(Tue 27 August)
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