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League News
(Posted On Wed 5 March, 2025)
Please download the Agenda which includes the Cup draw to be made.
NB with a move towards digital recording of games, a dedicated scorers’ course to be held at Benwell Hill CC on Wednesday 9th April 7-9 pm to look at instant scoring via the play-cricket app for games. The tutors will be Sam Blacklock, assisted by John Ruddick. Attendees are recommended to take a device with the app already in place to allow an easier process on the evening. Clubs are encouraged to send at least one member. Numbers for the course will be assessed at this meeting.
In advance of the course, there are resources offering opportunity to gain an understanding,
Download Agenda
more league news ...
(Wed 5 March)
(Mon 24 February)
(Mon 24 February)
(Mon 10 February)
(Wed 29 January)